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Endive Fine Cuts


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With a bushy plant format producing fancy leaves of green tones with the inner leaves being paler, it’s got the good looks for salads from a complete salad to a garnish. Endive Fine Cuts produces in the masses, with fine green and curly leaves throughout its a plant of incredible tasting goodness, harvested as leaves or a young plant near maturity its taste is of slight fresh spice of very mild tones.

Popular for baby leaf production.

Grows well in the cooler climates and tolerates being covered from Frosts for continued production and if leaf harvested produces for months continually.

Can be used in cooking with a brief cooking of leaves in Stir-Fries and added raw to garnish soups etc.

Non-GMO, recognised as an Heirloom believed to date back to ancient Egypt.

Seed Count approx 100 Seeds

Planting Times Early Spring to Early Autumn

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